Freda McGregor (Littlecourt)


I look first, as the exhibits move round the ring, for a strongly built, active, well-balanced dog, with free sound action and happy and alert temperament.

A Lowchen should be square. I do not like short legs.

On the table the head is the most important characteristic of the Lowchen, carried high, it must have a short fairly wide skull, flat between the ears, which should be well fringed, a well defined stop and a short, strong muzzle.

With a long muzzle the Lowchens typical expression is lost. The jaw should be strong, never snipey or chinless, with a scissor bite, but I would not object to an uneven tooth in an

all over good dog.

Eyes round and dark with a bright friendly expression, never almond shaped like a poodle.

Brown Lowchens can have dark brown eyes, never yellow, pigment black in all colours but brown, and their noses should be dark brown.

I like a good length of neck, proudly arched, joining the back smoothly with no angle at the withers. A good neck usually goes with good well-placed shoulders, which should be well laid. A dog with a very short back sometimes has a short neck but it should be in proportion to balance the dog.

The body should be short and strong with well-sprung ribs, never flat sided.

The back should have a level top-line, flat right to the root of the tail, both standing and moving. Never roached, not too long in the loin, with moderate tuck up.

Tail well set on, not sliding off the bottom. Good depth and width of chest, the brisket should come down as far as the elbow, except in puppies not yet developed.

No loose elbows.

The quarters should be strong, well- muscled, fairly broad, and never narrow,

with a well- rounded bottom.

The hind legs should be well muscled with a good turn of stifle. Well angulated hind legs can reach forwards and back, giving better propulsion and thrust than when lacking angulation,

but over angulation is a fault which can give loose hind action.

The legs should be straight, front and back when viewed from behind and the action free with a good reach in front and drive behind. No hackney action.

The feet should be round, tight and compact, not flat, with short nails or the dog will be walking on its heels.

I like a good coat of correct silky texture to complete the picture of

a well-presented Lowchen.

A flashy showman is a great asset in the ring but is not necessarily the best dog.

I do not mind if a dog is just over 13 inches if it is the best in all other respects.

A good thing to remember when giving a “CC” to a dog is that people may use it for breeding and as a result so influence the future of the breed.

It must be a typical specimen of the breed.

Above all I like a Lowchen to be full of life, with a happy outgoing character.


By kind permission of

Mrs Freda McGregor